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Password Strength Checker


The goal of this program is to read a user's password from the console and evaluate whether it meets pre-defined strength requirements set by code author

wb_incandescentPhase 1 specs


The goal of this program is to read a user's password from the console and evaluate whether it meets pre-defined strength requirements set by code author

program requirement 1: single character check

Design a java object which contains methods for evaluating whether or not a given password contains a specific character at any location in the password

Method should return a true/false value based on its determination of the inputted password

program requirement 2: implement checks for types of character

Check a candidate password for containing any one of a set of possible characters, such as at least one number digit or one punctuation mark from a given list.

program requirement 3: feedback

Provide text feedback to the user in the condition that their password doesn't meet the strength requirements. For example, if the candidate doesn't have a special character but does have a digit, the user should get that feedback in the form of a text string saying "password lacks one of the following special characters.