Java Language Fundamentals Project

Make something cool with what you know

Choose a project idea from the list below and develop it into a working Class that does something interesting. The complexity of your project should challenge you, but not be frustrating.

Get or print a copy of this hamburger. Read it BEFORE you start your project. Use it as a guide as you prepare your hamburger's contents, which is basically printed and highlighted code, your class diagram draft and final, and notes on what resources you used in your coding.

language structures project hamburger

Core skills focus for this project

  1. Java primitive variable creation and manipulation
  2. Method calls: no params or return types, params and no returns, and both
  3. Class structure
  4. Operators (+ - % = ==)
  5. Method calls

Project Ideas

Project 1: Point-of-sale simulation
Project 2: Radio tuning simulation
Project 3: Math Quiz Game/Program
Project 4: Geometry tricks - math in 2D
Project 5: Create your own custom project

Project 1: Create a Point-of-sale (POS) machine (a "cash register")

Read through the skeleton code of a basic inventory management system that tracks the total inventory on hand for any given item and checks to make sure that sufficient goods exist to fill a requested order quantity. Sample output of this skeleton code:

Program output from cash register shell

View the skeleton code for this project on github HERE. Note that this code is not organized into any methods. Your task in this project will be to build out the inventory system so that the user can enter a number of several projects to purchase and the program will check inventory levels and either allow the sale or not allow the sale. You can expand this project by creating a pricing scheme to go with each product, and calculate total cost for an entire order./

Project 2: Rediscovery of air-wave broadcasts - Model a radio tuner!

Create a class that simulates the function of a radio receiver. Allow the user to tune the radio to one of several preset stations. And have your methods simulate the playing of a song with text. You can simulate static noise being broadcast if the user tunes the radio to a station that doesn't have any signal being broadcast.

You should be able to turn the radio on and off, and set the radio to a station. Do this by adding two new member variables to your Radio class. Then write the three methods to create these functions. You'll have a turnRadioOn() method, a turnRadioOff() method, and a tuneRadio() method that will take in a number with a decimal point as a parameter. Note that your code will have an input parameter inside the () in the tuneRadio() declaration.

If you are in need of a skeleton to attach some flesh to as you work on your project, you can VIEW but not COPY code from the skelton class here.

Project 3: Math Quiz System

Create a class that creates a math quiz which asks the user to add together two random numbers and provides feedback if their answer is correct or incorrect. You can also quiz them on any other simple math that Java can easily check.

screen shot of quiz program

Design ideas

If you are in need of a skeleton to attach some flesh to as you work on your project, you can VIEW but not COPY code from the skelton class here.

Project 4: Working with geometry

Create a program that can answer questions about how points and lines and figures are related to one another. For example: assume we are working on a coordinate plane of only positive X and Y values. Ask the user for the upper left and lower right points of a rectangle. Then ask the user to enter a test point with (x,y) format. Your program should determine if the point entered is inside or outside the rectangle.

screen shot of quiz program

Design ideas

Project 5: Design your own project

Create a class diagram of a project class that is interesting to you and get it approved by Eric.
